Farrukhabad is located in the western corner of Kanpur division of U.P. with a geographical area of 228830 ha. It is a part of Central Plain Zone. The Distt. has seven development blocks and important rivers are Ganga, Ram Ganga, Kali & Ishan. KVK Jajpur Banjara Farrukhabad 42.00 km. away from District Head Quarter and situated at 79.43131 longitude, 27.3087 latitude. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Centre), an innovative science–based institution was established to accelerate the agricultural production and also to improve the socio-economic conditions of the farming community of Farrukhabad district. This Kendra was transferred to Under Control of Chandra Shaekhar Azad Agriculture & Technology Kanpur in year, 2005 at Krishi vigyan Kendra, Jajpur Banjara Block Mohmdabad District Farrukhabad. Aim of KVK is accelerate agricultural production and allied activities for improving the economic status of the agrarian community. The concept of vocational training programme in agriculture through KVK grew substantially due to greater demand for improved/agriculture technology by the farmers. The farmers require not only the knowledge and understanding of intricacy of technologies, but also progressively more and more skills in various complex agricultural adoptions on their farms. The effectiveness of the KVK was further enhanced by the adding the activities related to on-farm testing and front line demonstration on major agricultural technologies in order to make the training of farmers’ location specific, need based and resource orientated. It run the need based skill oriented training programme for creating job opportunities for rural community. It also acts as a facilitator to coordinate the extension activities of different line departments for the benefit of the farmers. KVK was designed to impart the latest knowledge to the farmers through work experiences by applying the principles of “Teaching by Doing and Learning by Doing”.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra performs its activities as per the mandate suggested by ICAR, New Delhi. Objectives of the KVK are as follows: